Currently I mount my home directory from a departmental AIX machine using
the following exports on the AIX machine:

/home3/telmerco -access=sargan:terrapin

and the following fstab on my debian hamm machine:

qed:/home3/telmerco   /home/telmerco/qed  nfs  defaults  0  0

Given this setup, as root I cannot cd into /home/telmerco/qed. However,
when I run tob (tape backup program) every night (from a root crontab), I
would like to back up my files from this nfs mount along with the local
files. Currently, I have user telmerco run a crontab job just before the
tob job which makes a tar file of all my files in the nfs mount and stores
it in /home/telmerco so the root tob job can back them up. This leaves a
large tgz file lying around, and altough I could just put a command to
erase it after the tob job is done, I would prefer to do it a much cleaner
way by allowing root to traverse the nfs mount (as long it is safe and the
are no heavy security concerns on the AIX sysadmin's part). I dug through
the man pages for nfs(5) and mount(8) and it seems like I could use
something that maps root uid 0 to an anon uid that I specify, for example,
208 (telmerco's uid). Is this possible? Is it safe? And finally, is there
a better way to do it? Cheers, Colin.

- --
          Colin R. Telmer, Institute of Intergovernmental Relations
                School of Policy Studies, Queen's University
                     Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L-3N6
              (613)545-6000x4219   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     PGP Fingerprint = 09 E9 DA 66 9C EE 33 DC  B8 3B 97 0E 01 BC EC 0B
           PGP Public Key at <URL:http://terrapin.econ.queensu.ca>

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