If you really like I can find the source code for this ... but the
question is, why would you want it?  You'd do just as well to find a
program that cracks crypted files ... it's about the same difficulty
either way.

The crypt (1) algorithm is based on the German WWII era "Enigma" cipher
- except that it's not as good.  It emulates an Enigma machine with one
rotor.  I'll point out that the chaps at Bletchley Park cracked four
rotor ciphers in the 1940s using mechanical computers.

If you need strong encryption, take a look at PGP, or one of the RSA
offerings.  Or use DES (which is also available in source code, and
should be available in Solaris)

PS - Many people confuse the crypt (1) command with the crypt (3)
function in libc, which is used to "encrypt" passwords.  It actually
hashes them ... they cannot be "decrypted".

  Nathan Norman    :    Hostmaster CFNI    :    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key and other stuff
Key fingerprint = CE 03 10 AF 32 81 18 58  9D 32 C2 AB 93 6D C4 72

On Tue, 27 May 1997, Timothy Phan wrote:

:  Anyone knows where can I get the source for the 'crypt' program.
:  We have this program in solaris and I'd like to have it on Linux.
:  Many thank in advance! 
:  Here is the top of the man page:
:-- 8< ----------------------------------------------------------------------
:crypt(1)                  User Commands                  crypt(1)
:     crypt - encode or decode a file
:     crypt [ password ]
:     SUNWcsu
:     crypt encrypts and decrypts the contents of a  file.   crypt
:     reads  from  the  standard  input and writes on the standard
:     output.  The password is a key  that  selects  a  particular
:     transformation.   If  no  password is given, crypt demands a
:     key from the terminal and turns off printing while  the  key
:     is  being  typed  in.   crypt encrypts and decrypts with the
:-- 8< ----------------------------------------------------------------------
:         --------------------  Timothy C. Phan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
:      --------------------                      NEC America, Inc. ASL
:   --------------------         1525 Walnut Hill Ln. Irving, TX 75038
:--------------------          tel: (214)-518-3437 fax: (214)-518-3499
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