On Tue, 13 May 1997, Hamish Moffatt wrote:

> On Mon, May 12, 1997 at 01:27:32PM -0300, Nelson Posse Lago wrote:
> > The Sportster Si (I think only 14400 versions exist) is a RPI model, and
> > therefore doesn't work under linux as well.
> I doubt USR would be making RPI (Rockwell Protocol Interface) modems.
> Probably it is a form of WinModem. Same effect though.

Sorry for the delay, I've been away from my mail these days...

I'm pretty sure about it, the Sportster Si 14400 is RPI. I think it's the
only RPI modem they make, their other crap models are Winmodems. It came
out before they "invented" the winmodem, when they needed some low-end
model to compete with the "glue'n'go" manufacturers that were selling a
lot of RPI modems, thanks to lack of customer information. The price
difference from a Sportster to a Zoltrix was somewhat big (at least here
in Brazil), and people had a hard time to follow my advice of not buying
the RPI's... Thank god, RPI seems to be forgotten nowadays, only the
winmodem is still here.

See ya,
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