On May 28, Kendall P. Bullen wrote
> On Mon, 26 May 1997, Andy Mortimer wrote:
> > This is probably not the case, but I thought I'd mention it; you aren't
> > by any chance using XEmacs rather than FSF Emacs, are you? ISTR getting
> > this problem with 19.14; although it has been fixed in 19.15 (in Hamm),
> > this version has it's own problems.
> Hmm, `man emacs' tells me it is the "GNU project Emacs" and was
> written by Richard Stallman and FSF.  I'm not sure if this is quite
> what you're asking, but I'm not sure how else to answer your question.
> /usr/doc has no directory for emacs.  The man page is incorrect -- it
> refers to /user/local/ directories, such as /usr/local/share/emacs/ .

That's the original emacs, then. Xemacs (formerly Lucid Emacs) is a
spinoff from FSF emacs, which is mostly compatible but has some (IMHO)
rather nice features, such as highlighting on the console, which is the
major user-visible change. That and the fact that it seems significantly
slower, of course. :(

You can tell them apart in lots of ways; it sounds like yours is the
original emacs. The easiest way, though, is whether you type `emacs' or
`xemacs' to start it! They also have different Debian package names
(compare `dpkg -s emacs' with `dpkg -s xemacs'.)


Andy Mortimer, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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It goes dark, it goes darker still; please stay.
But I watch like I'm made of stone, as you walk away.

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