On Wed, 14 May 1997, Andreas Tille wrote:

> On Tue, 13 May 1997, Portuesi Simone wrote:
> > I'd like just to add one thing to it, it'll be confortable (at least for
> > me) that the mirroring can be done from another computer. I'll explain
> > better: you che the Packages file on a PC connected to internet, bring
> > it to a PC not connected to the net, the script will determine the files
>                                        ^^^^^^^^^^
> Sorry, I didn't followed this discussion in the past. What script
> would do such a job. I would like to have a automagical mechanism
> to update my box at home. This time I do it manually (using MC and
> compare each directory with the directories on a ZIP disk I updated on
> my net-connected PC.

This shouldn't be too hard to do, just by using mirror. You could also do
it by writing a sh or perl script to copy relevant files, but that will
involve doing a lot of comparisons on directory contents, filenames, and
debian package versions....in other words, here's an easy partial solution
- other methods are probably a lot harder :-) 


I always set up my debian mirrors so that it goes to ~ftp/debian. Then I
have a symlink /debian pointing to ~ftp/debian...the symlink is merely a
convenience to navigate the directories from the command line and it makes
it easier to nfs mount the mirror on any new machine i'm building:
'mkdir /debian ; mount -t nfs HOSTNAME:/debian /debian'. 

Anyway, back to using mirror.

I'll assume you've already got mirror running, and that it is mirroring
debian to /home/ftp/debian. I'll also assume that your zip disk is
mounted at /zip.

What you need to do is create another mirror file in
/etc/mirror/packages. Call it, say, /etc/mirror/packages/zipdrive.
configure it that the remote_host is 'localhost', and remote_dir is
'/home/ftp/debian'. Also configure it so that the local_dir is /zip.

Zip drives aren't very big, so you'll have to be ruthless with exclude
patterns - set it up to get ONLY the distribution(s) you are interested
in (bo, hamm, frozen, stable, unstable, non-free, contrib, etc). Exclude
the source/, and msdos/ directories. flatten sym links. Also exclude
binaries you're not interested in - e.g. you can save a lot of disk
space if you're not running X or don't need any of the development

A jazz drive would be better :-)

Then run 'mirror -F /etc/mirror/packages/zipdrive'. Mirror will then
mirror your ftp archive of debian onto your zip disk.

When you get it home, mount the zip drive, tell dselect to use the
mounted file-system method, run Update from the menu, and then go
through the usual Select, Install, Configure cycle.

BTW, this will work even if you don't have a local ftp mirror of debian.
Instead of pointing mirror at 'localhost', point it at 'ftp.debian.org' or
your nearest debian mirror.

craig sanders
networking consultant                  Available for casual or contract
temporary autonomous zone              system administration tasks.

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