
Dustin Withers wrote:
> I've been using Linux for sometime now and have had the internet working
> under Slackware I then switched over to debian and was goin' to do the FTP
> install, I've got all the networking stuff configured correctly but when I
> run pon it dials out and logs me in and then hangs up after a couple of
> moments, I know it logs me because I trailed /var/adm/messages and it says
> it does everything but then when it send the connection to pppd, pppd
> returns a message saying LCP Hang-Up caused by peer or something > similair

LCP is Link Control Protocol - it negotiates ip addresses and such in
ppp dialups. i thought this might help. maybe you should add a debug to
ppp.options_out and see what it says? try abd logg the ppp datastream,
it could help.


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