It's my understanding that the overhead of the filesystem (ext2, or
whatever you have) as opposed to writing to a "raw" partition, is the
advantage of dedicating a partition for swap.

I usually just find a smaller drive that's laying around not doing
anything and make it the swap drive ... this machine uses a 250 MB
Quantum SCSI that was laying around after a friend upgraded his Mac.

I also had the impression that putting the swap aprtition at the
beginning of a drive resulted in better performance.

Btw, one of the latest README-s (sorry, I don't remember which one) said
that using a RAID0 device for swap was no longer a performance gain due
to changes in the swapon code.

  Nathan Norman    :    Hostmaster CFNI    :    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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On Sun, 1 Jun 1997, Robert de Forest wrote:

:This isn't really a debian-specific question, but this is my favorite
:linux list by far.
:By default most linux distributions request and almost require that the
:user setup a swap partition. What is the advantage of swapping to a
:partition rather than swapping to a file? In my machine I have a /swap
:directory. As needed I can create files in this directory using dd as
:per the mkswap manpage and then swap on that.
:This is obviously more flexible, and since it's the same drive either
:way, the only possible performance hit would be if the kernel made a
:I've been thinking of setting up a background task to watch `free` to
:see if I need more or less swapspace and automatically add or remove it
:as necessary. Since I have 64M of ram this hasn't been a big priority,
:just something I thought would be fun.
:Robert de Forest
:sysadmin for
:Cogito, ergo sum.    -  I think, therefore I am. 
:Cogito, ergo doleo.  -  I think, therefore I am depressed.
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