>       Wait!! Hold this upgrade!! Hehe sorry all but i was about to try
> the upgrade tomorrow but i was going to use bo. What am i suppossed to
> use Bo or Frozen??? 

frozen is actually a symlink currently pointing to bo/
In a couple of days a symlynk "stable" will point to the same directory
(bo/) and "frozen" will be gone. So to mirror bo/ is a safer bet now.

>       Also i am going to setup a mirror on my machine but i really don't
> want to mirror the whole site. I do want to mirror the 1.3 distribution
> only. I will be using ftp.debian.org (i believe this is ok), so do i
> mirror ftp.debian.org:/pub/debian/bo/ or /pub/debian/frozen/ ?
>       Dpkg does (should) make a backup copy of the original conf file
> before it replaces it correct? Is this a standard that all packages
> include or just a few?

If they don't --it's a bug :(...

> > For people running an old Debian system (1.1) - you are supposed to do
> > the following before using dselect to upgrade:
> > 
> >     dpkg --clear-avail
> >     dpkg -i ldso_*.deb
> >     dpkg -i libc5_*.deb
> >     dpkg -i dpkg_*.deb dpkg-ftp_*.deb
> >     dpkg --purge --force-depends texbin
>       So this needs to be done before i start the upgrade (via dselect)?
> Will this be so even when it is released this week sometime?

Yes, it still be needed to perform.

Alex Y.

> > I'm extremely happy with the way Debian 1.3, it's a huge improvement
> > over 1.2.  I'm sure you'll like it too.  :-)
>       I'm running 1.2 now and find it great :) I know 1.3 will be
> good aswell. I'd also like to thanx all the developers, maintainers, and
> everyone else for this great OS!!!!
> -Rob

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