> > To all the kind folks
> > who've spent many long nights making Debian Linux a quality
> > product, thank you.

I *must* agree.  A year ago, I gave up trying to get a SCO Unix box
(3.2v4.2) running all the Internet services I wanted.  Every single service
I wanted to get running was a complete PITA!!!!  

First, it was get and build GCC.  Then it was GZIP.  Then it was a decent
mail system.  Then it was News.  Then it was mailing lists.  Then it was
FTP.  Then it was... well, you get the picture.  Each of these packages
were a complete PITA to build on SCO.  Quite often support for SCO in the
"source" was lacking and I'd have to manually make changes just get things
to build.  It often took weeks to get a new service running.

Then came Debian GNU/Linux, dselect, and the .deb binary packages.  Just a
few minutes and Bada-Boom!!!  There's the new mail client, text editor,
daemon, or whatever was needed.  The dselect/dpkg installation method is

Kudos to all Debian developers, testers, users, and "GNU"!

Thanks so much for a great product.

Kevin Traas
Systems Analyst
Edmondson Roper CA

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