On Mon, 2 Jun 1997, Pete Templin wrote:

> > As you were doing it. Or, use a CGI, and point it at a "target" frame :)
> > 
> > PS. the perl script you had there can be done without using perl:
> > <!--#include "blah" --> instead. Blah can <!--#echo var=LAST_MODIFIED -->.
Ooops, that should be <!--#include virtual="blah" -->. Does that work?
Or file="blah" (not sure if virtual is a 1.2 extension). Otherwise, try
adding XBitHack Full to .htaccess, and chmod +x the .html files.

> > Much quicker, less resource-hungry.
> It's still showing the #includes as comments.  Any ideas?
> http://templinux.bucknell.edu/~templin  

Tom Lees <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                    http://www.lpsg.demon.co.uk/
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