>   I want to build a small network using Linux as the fileserver and 
> windows 95 computers as the clients. What I have in mind is something 
> similar to what novell network do, but using Linux in the place of the 
> novell server. I want to be able to map a linux partition in the server 
> to work as a directory in the windows 95 computers. I tried to do that 
> using the tcp/ip protocol but then I got realized that windows 95 do not 
> have a client for UNIX networks using the tcp/ip protocol so, I have 
> been unable to map.  

You just need to start the samba server on the Linux box and set up
accounts for the users.  Win95 will be able to link to the user's
home directories with the appropriate permissions by default and
there are configuration options to create shared areas.

>   I heard that Linux can to use  the IPX protocol. I think that maybe I 
> can to configure  Linux to emulate a novell network server and then 
> configure the windows 95 computers as novell network clients.

You can do that too: that's the mars_nwe server but I don't know
how they compare.  If you want to work over internet routers the
tcp based samba would be better.

Les Mikesell

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