On Wed, 4 Jun 1997, Fredrik Ax wrote:

> On Tue, 3 Jun 1997, Syd Alsobrook wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I have a machine that i just upgraded to v1.3 (that went perfectly). My
> > question is this I want to upgrade the kernel (now v2.0.27) the easiest way
> > possible can I copy the kernel from the install floppies for v1.3 (has
> > kernel 2.0.30) or is it easier just to recompile the kernel?
> > 
> It would probably be easier to copy the kernal, BUT I still recommend you 
> to recompile the kernal. Then you will get a kernel that is optimized 
> for your needs, which doesn't include alot of non-used drivers.

I rolled a kernel on an existing debian machine using the kernel-package:

cd /usr/src/linux
make {,menu,x}config  # configure ramdisk and initrd
make-kpkg clean
make-kpkg -revision custom.install.boot.1 kernel-image

after that I got a /usr/src/kernel-image-2.0.27_custom.install.boot.1.deb 
(or something like that) that can be installed with dpkg -i.

I took this file to the new machine with base already installed and tried 
dpkg -i kernel-image-etc.. This did not work as I expected because some 
links were missing in / (/vmlinuz -> /boot/vmlinuz and /System.map -> 
/boot/System.map) After I had made these links it installed fine.

The next installation attempt I just put the custom kernel on the 
resc1440.bin diskette as linux (hence the compiled in ramdisk and initrd 
support.) This way, your own kernel gets installed during the base install.

Of course, you have to have an existing debian box to prepare a custom 
kernel, so if you don't, you'll have to install the kernel-source and gcc 
packages (and quite a few others) to brew one yourself on the new 
machine. Make sure you also get the kernel-package package, the special 
debian tool for this purpose (you don't have to but it is really nice.)

Have fun,


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