This solved the problem.  Thanks.

On 4 Jun Martin Bialasinski wrote

        >I have tracked down the cause of the problems which were reported about
        >Apparently hwtools does not contain the most recent version of irqtune.
        >Using irqtune 0.5 will solve your problems.
        >I have addressed the package maintainer about this.
        >Two solutions:
        >1. Wait for the new hwtools package.
        >2. Get the irqtune 0.5 from the website.
        >   You don't have to recompile, just copy irqtune_mod.o and irqtune
        >   from the tar to /sbin . Then change the invocation of
        >   irqtune in /etc/rc.boot/hwtools from
        >   irqtune
        >   to
        >   /sbin/irqtune



C.L. Daugaard

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