> Has this list died?  I've received 0 messages all day and little more in
> the previous 2 days.
> What's happening here?

Knowing little about list servers and their capabilities, is it possible
to somehow automate a system to let you know what lists you are
currently subscribed to?  

Something along the lines of sending a message to (say)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with "list subscribed" in the body, and
it will send back a message saying debian-user, debian-announce, ...
Or perhaps a web interface to it (syncing the lists between list and
web server would be interesting).

At least that way, you would know that you haven't been kicked off
the list for whatever reason.  Any other ideas?

BTW:  Mail is still steadily pouring in here.

Todd Harper            "Initiating 'getting-us-the-hell-out-of-here'
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         maneuver." -- Lennier, B5

TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to
Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

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