> From: Bob Nielsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Benedict Chong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: W Paul Mills <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; debian-user@lists.debian.org
> Subject: Re: IConnect Corp Debian any good?
> Date: Thursday, June 05, 1997 2:21 AM
> LSL (www.lsl.com) has their Tri-Linux CD (Debian 1.3, Slackware 3.2
> and Red Hat 4.2) for $2.98.  I installed 1.2.5 from the previous version
> and found it to be pretty complete (stable and contrib, but not
> You probably can't beat the price.

We just started shipping this today ( 6-5-97) its a binary only version. 
Plan on doing the "Oficial Debian 1.3" when the iso images are released.


We also have the best prices Red Hat, Slackware and Linux Related Books
and CDs..    see   www.lsl.com

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