> I'm not sure what the sequence was but I somehow have managed to get
> a version 5.4.23-6 of libc5 installed.  Running dselect using the ftp
> method from ftp.debian.org and with the distributions as
>  frozen unstable hamm/contrib hamm/non-free
> shows  version 5.4.23-4 of libc5 as the available version.  I also have
> libc5-altdev installed but at version 5.4.23-4.  It depends on
> libc5-5.4.23-4 so I get a dependency problem whenever I try to select
> with dselect.
> Would this inconsistency in versions be a problem?  Should I manually
> download and install libc5-5.4.23-4.deb?

I'm not sure whether it would be a problem -- it will be if the
upstream versions differ, but I doubt whether just different
debian revisions cause problems. However, I'd advice you to not
install different versions of libc5 and libc5-altdev, just to be
sure. Why not download libc5-altdev_5.4.24-6?

> As you may surmise from my using libc5-altdev, I also have libc6 and
> libc6-dev installed.  I am running into a few problems.  For example,
> I am unable to compile a new kernel with either /usr/bin/gcc or 
> /usr/i486-linuxlibc1/bin/gcc (details available upon request).

I've got libc6 installed, to, but have no problems compiling kernels
(well, 2.0.31-pre2 that is).

> dpkg -l | egrep libc    # show installed versions of libc-related pkgs

$ dpkg -l | egrep libc
rc  libc            4.6.27-6  The Linux C library.
ii  libc4           4.6.27-15 The Linux C library version 4 (run-time libr
ii  libc5           5.4.23-4  The Linux C library version 5 (run-time libr
ii  libc5-altdev    5.4.23-4  The Linux C library version 5 (alternative d
ii  libc5-pic       5.4.23-3  Kit for building specialized versions of the
ii  libc6           2.0.3-4   The GNU C library version 2 (run-time files)
ii  libc6-dbg       2.0.3-4   The GNU C library version 2 (debugging/profi
ii  libc6-dev       2.0.3-4   The GNU C library version 2 (development fil
ii  libc6-doc       2.0.3-4   The GNU C library version 2 (documentation f

joost witteveen, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
#!/bin/perl -sp0777i<X+d*lMLa^*lN%0]dsXx++lMlN/dsM0<j]dsj
$/=unpack('H*',$_);$_=`echo 16dio\U$k"SK$/SM$n\EsN0p[lN*1
#what's this? see http://www.dcs.ex.ac.uk/~aba/rsa/

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