Disclaimer: it's my fault, I know.
On a stable (1.1.13) debian box I tried to upgrade the kernel from install
2.0.6 to a home-built 2.0.27. The home built kernel is known to work, so this
is not the problem. I built it via kernel-package, so I could install it with
dpkg. After that, I reboot to test the new kernel (ERROR: I know 2.0.27 needs a
newer lilo, like 17-2 (the one I usually install with 2.0.27 - and they work!))
The reboot came up with a

LILO: Wrong Loader .. Giving up

message, or something like that.
I realized I missed lilo upgrade, so rebuilt a boot disk and installed lilo-17-2
Reboot and .. same message. So I looked for lilo dependecies, and it depends
on mbr. Upgraded also mbr, same message.
What can I do to make that box boot again?

Thanks in advance!
||    || |||||||  Marco Frattola                     Microsoft is not the answer
||`..'|| |||...   Piacenza, Italy                    Microsoft is the question
|||  ||| |||''    [EMAIL PROTECTED]            "No" is the answer
|||  ||| |||      www.enjoy.it/users/~mk/index.html  Live Linux, live free!

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