I have a machine that is set up with an NFS and I was able to 
mount it's drive one time on my ethernet at home but not after that.  
The host.allow and host.deny are set up and the exports file has an 
entry something like this:

/mnt     (ro,insecure,no_root_squash)

but it returns an error that I don't have permission to mount the 
drive from home.  ( I was using it to access a CDROM drive so the 
general open permission to the area wasn't a problem though I'll 
probably tighten it later.)  There are other machines on the same 
subnet that also can't NFS mount the drive.  Earlier it was having 
RPC timeouts before and this was due to the hosts.allow and .deny but 
this is a different problem now.  Any ideas would be greatly 

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