On 09 Jun 1997 14:43:36 CDT Chris Brown ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

>      The other day I set up a couple of new machines and decided to 
> monitor then from home.  One thng that I thought would be nice was to 
> run the procmeter on the remote machine.  I'v never run any 
> applications on X via a network connection befor so I thought this 
> would be interesting.  After doing an rlogin and setting the DISPLAY 
> environvent variable like so: "foo.bar.com:0.0".  I ran the procmeter 
> and it said that it didn't have permission to connect to the X 
> server.  Somewhere there must be a file that I need to grant this 
> permission in but I am not familiar enough with X to know about 
> this one and I'm not even sure where to look.  Can someone point me 
> in the right direction.

You need to extract the cookie from the machine you rlog from with:
        xauth list
Pick the line wich mentions your display (like in foo.bar.com:0, not 
foo/unix:0) and then on the machine you rlog into:
        xauth add <line>

See (1)xauth for details.
You can also use ssh which will do this automagically, and will also encrypt 
(and optionally compress (good on slow lines)) the connections.
[ssh is available on the debian-non-US site]


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