Thus spake Karl M. Hegbloom ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):


> Bruce Perens writes:
>  > If I'm not mistaken, the ZIP parallel driver is in the main kernel source
>  > now, and the Debian rescue floppy is zip-enabled.
> The parport and ECP/EPP ppa drivers are in the 2.1.xx kernels now.
> I've been using 2.1.36 for a few weeks with no problems.  2.0.30 has
> the older slower ppa driver.  It works well, but is very slow.

Maybe the ppa.c and ppa.h from kernel 2.1.42 can be used in 2.0.30. I'll
give it a try tonight and will report what happened.

The old driver is really extremely slow but nevertheless we were happy to
get it running on our Debian Linux boxes.


"There i get it on the bulb !" -> "Da krieg' ich's doch an der Birne"
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