On Thu, 12 Jun 1997, Karl Ferguson wrote:

> At 05:28 PM 11/06/97 -0400, Pedro I. Sanchez wrote:
> >Hello,
> >
> >A few days ago I reported the problem of NIS not working in Debian 1.3.
> >It still does not work and unfortunately no one seems to have an answer.
> >However, I just read the following from H.J. Lu regarding his new
> >release (5.4.33) of libc:
> Yes, I do agree with you that Debian 1.3 broke NIS - but not the latest
> version of disks.  I decided to test the latest disk set 1997-05-30 (I
> can't remember the date of the last 1.3 disks) and NIS now works for me -
> you must make sure you say No to shadow passwords during the setup as well
> (I think it defaults to yes if you press enter).

My servers went from Debian 1.1 to 1.2 to 1.3 using ftp to upgrade. The
last time I used the installations diskettes was when I installed 1.1.
During this process I don't recall having been asked for any shadow
options at all. Can you tell me what package is suppose to ask something
about shadow passwords? Even more, can someone explain how shadow
passwords relate to the NIS stuff? Probably here is where I have my

Thank you,

Pedro I. Sanchez

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