On Thu, Jun 12, 1997 at 04:39:53PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> When I rebooted to linux I noticed several network error 
> messages, and ping showed "Network is unreachable".
> Apparently the rescue disk had confused my WD8013 ethernet
> card. Then I booted do DOS -- and it complety hang after
> probing the ethernet card: "WD80x3 adress PROM contents are
> invalid". I did a hard reset, and, look, my ethernet card
> automagically awoke from paralyzation -- what the hell had
> happened?
> I remember that I had similar problems with two cheapo NE2000
> clones after installing Debian the first time. One (Debian 1.1,
> Dec 96) came back to life after consulting the DOS 
> configuration tool (grrr...). The second case (1.2, Apr 97)

> Am I the only one with such an expirience? I should add that I

Interesting. I've got quite a few NE2000s and haven't had them
lose their configuration, but I have had quite a few (about
three now) die completely. I'm currently using an WD 8013 in my
PC, which on a couple of occasions has had invalid PROM
states; the DOS driver won't load, and I haven't had the
EtherEZ stuff on hand to reconfigure it. Usually, I boot
Linux and Linux revives it.

8013 seems to be quite a good card. Better than the NE2000's
I've got. And I bought it for $1.50 Australian out of a junk
basket at a local electronics store; marked "no drivers."
Better than the $40 NE2000s. I also bought (for $5) a big
VLB IDE/IO/SCSI card (Adaptec 1520 based), also "no drivers."

Hamish Moffatt, StudIEAust                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Student, computer science & computer systems engineering.    3rd year, RMIT.
http://hamish.home.ml.org/ (PGP key here)             CPOM: [****      ] 47%
The opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth.  --Bohr

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