On Fri, 13 Jun 1997 15:37:12 +1000 (EST), Tim Bell wrote:

>Rick Macdonald wrote:
>> On Fri, 13 Jun 1997, Tim Bell wrote:
>> > So, I figured I'd go back to the 1.2.5 setup which had worked. This I
>> > did, and it worked -- until I rebooted.
>> I had similar problems once, but nothing to do with a network card.
>> It turned out that lilo.conf wasn't pointed at the partition that I
>> thought it was, so when I ran lilo and rebooted I wasn't getting the
>> kernel that I thought I was.
>> Others have done the same thing. Can you verify you're booting the
>> intended kernel? You didn't say anything about how you were booting.
>I'm booting with lilo (whichever version comes with 1.2.5 or 1.3) and
>I have verified I'm booting what I think I'm booting. I've been fiddling
>with different kernel configurations, so I've been checking kernel
>compile dates and lilo configurations regularly.
>The funny thing is that it will work with a kernel once, but never again.

Sometime the cards needs a 'jump start'. I've seen it where I start 
ping...it would fail and I would stop it after a few seconds. Start 
another ping, and it would fail. Start yet another ping, and after failing
about 8 times, I would see some I/O errors, then the board would kick in, 
and for the rest of that session be OK.

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