joost witteveen said:
> [Charset iso-8859-1 unsupported, filtering to ASCII...]
> > I tried using new disks and formatted them for this,
> > 
> > Can some one nice please give me installation help, may be even a step
> > by step prosses, this is what I've tried so far, I downloaded the disks
> > from (or something similar) and I used rawrite2.exe to
> > write the resc1440.bin to the disk
> > it shows that everything went fine, then when I try to boot off it it
> > comes up with the welcom screen, and the boot: prompt but when I hit
> > enter I get:
> > Loading: root.bin.............
> > Loading: Linux............
> >
> > Then it just re-boots again and I've check to make sure they were both
> When this happens, you've probably got a hardware problem.
> Please try to
>   - disable all caches (I had this when I enabled both "linear burst"
>       and "external cache" on my Cyrix 200+ system).
>   - increase wait states
>   - possibly slow down the system clock (shouldn't be neccecary though,
>     might just help).
> Once you've got something that works, you can try to step-by-step
> increase the speed again, and find what was wrong.

Another possibility is that the disk itself is bad.  Reformat the disk,
run Norton (or some other disk checking utility) on the disk and make
sure that there are no bad sectors.
Lamar Folsom
"Life is wasted on the living."  - The Master

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