Though I have yet to upgrade to TeTeX myself, I encountered this
problem when I installed the old latex packages.

As root, go to /usr/lib/texmf/ini (or the TeTeX equivalent) and, if
there's a makefile there you can just type 'make' but otherwise type
'initex latex.initex'.  This will create a latex.fmt which is the
default format file it's looking for.


On Jun 15, 11:06pm, Gernot wrote:
} Subject: TeTex-Problem
| Im having a problem with the tetex-packages. I upgraded from Debian 1.2
| to 1.3 and have now TeTex installed (not the normal latex-packages
| anymore...). Now I cant compile my files anymore. I always get: 
| > mother:~/Uni> latex document.tex
| > This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (C version 6.1)
| > I can't find the default format file!
| > mother:~/Uni> 
}-- End of excerpt from Gernot

               Max Stevens   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
          Max is a sagittarius but Max's family owns a taurus.
                  This is the dichotomy that is Max.

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