
        We already have a guru list. It is called debian-devel. And we
 already have issues that migrate between the lists as
 appropriate. Unfortunately, that does not cut down on the volume of


>>"John" == John Foster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

John> 'Normal' users (like myself) post to the 'user' list.

John> Access to the guru list is restricted to Maintainers,
John> Administrators of reasonable sized installations etc.

John> If someone who is on the 'guru' list (ie Dwarf, Bruce, etc)
John> thinks it appropriate they forward ia post on the 'user' list to
John> the guru list with the return address of the original poster.

John> This way the 'easy' questions (everything is easy once you know
John> how!) stay on the 'user' list, and the 'hard' questions get
John> across to the guru list via moderators.

John> There could be a 'test' for access to the 'guru' list (a coupla
John> questions about sendmail internals, or kernel internals or
John> something), or it could be by invitation only.

 "We came.  We saw.  We kicked its ass." Bill Murray, _Ghostbusters_
Manoj Srivastava               <url:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mobile, Alabama USA            <url:http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>

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