Re: Book

I don't think there is enough demand to warrant publishing a Debian book
on paper yet. If such a document existed on other media, I (and quite a
few others) wouldn't mind using some supplies to print out, punch, and
bind a copy. I prefer documentation that can be updated by easily 
replacing pages in a binder. Paperbacks are OK for Windows 95 because it
doesn't get the (needed) changes very often. I think the book project
people should make sure that everything can be easily printed on paper
that will be punched and include the necessary programs/scripts to print
it. You should be able to easily print pages or sections and toc/index as
needed. The Debian organization should sell really cool looking binders to
raise money. I want the first one for suggesting it. I also want a Debian
mug to drink coffee from while I read from my official Debian binder.

Re: stupid non-free restrictions

Is there anything in non-free that can't be given away? If you buy a CD-R
from me, I can put the non-free software on it. Why? Because I will put it
on a CD-R that you don't buy from me at no charge. The CD-ROM vendors
can't do that with their media. Of course, I expect a postpaid,
preaddressed mailer with the blank CD-R, but I don't charge for labor,
electricity and machine usage. If there is anything in non-free that can't
be copied onto media at no charge, then it probably should be in a new
directory called do_not_mirror at the ftp site.

BTW - If I ever make enough money, I will press a bunch of CD-ROM's full
of stuff with these 'you can't even make $1/hour' restrictions and just
give them out.

On Mon, 16 Jun 1997, Erv Walter wrote:

> Let me clairfy.  non-free contains packages that have some sort of
> restriction either on use or on distribution or on modification.  Not
> all of the packages in non-free can be put on the Official CD although
> some of them can.  debian-cd leaves out non-free completely from the
> Official CD because it (aparently) was easier than manualloy deciding
> which packages to include and which packages not to include.

+ Paul Wade                         Greenbush Technologies Corporation +
+ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]     +
+             Special Linux CD offer +

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