--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Sorry for this silly question. I am new to both Debian
and Linux.

My disk has following partions:
   /dev/hda1            DOS
   /dev/hda2            extended partion
   /dev/hda3            swap
   /dev/hda4            Red Hat linux
   /dev/hda5            Debian 1.3
By installing debian, my computer starts from /dev/hda2
and boot /dev/hda5. Can someone tell me how to setup
lilo so that I can also /dev/hda4 ? I know there are doc
about it, but I can not find them. :(  Here is /etc/lilo.conf
        label="Debian Linux"
        label="Windows 95"
--- end of quote ---

Hmmm.  I'm not exactly new to Linux, though I feel like it sometimes, and I had
trouble with almost this exact problem.  I was trying to do Debian 1.2 and
Debian 1.3 rather than Red Hat and Debian 1.3, and I was using separate
physical drives, but I think the problem is the same.  The only solution I've
found (I would be *very* happy to hear from someone who had a better solution)
was to install LILO twice.  The first copy of LILO is almost exactly the same
as your setup above, with the addition of 
     label="Red Hat Linux"

The second copy of LILO is installed in the boot block of /dev/hda4 (NOT in the
MBR), and just boots by default into whatever setup that copy of Linux uses. 
Since I experiment with new kernel versions from time to time (part of the
hazards of owning a dual processor machine), I also like to keep two kernel
versions available in /etc/lilo.conf, so that there is always an old, working
kernel available, no matter what sort of disaster^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H jdevelopment
kernel I try.  That complicates the scenario, but not by much (just an
additional entry in each lilo.conf).

email if you'd like copies of my two lilo.conf files.

Stephen Ryan   Debian GNU/Linux 1.3
Mathematics graduate student, Dartmouth College

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