On Sun, 15 Jun 1997, Stan Brown wrote:

>       I have anacount on Netcom that I hav historically used as my primary
>       mail receipt/reading/sending place. The response over the net has
>       become pretty bad for interactive use, and the Netcom version of elm
>       doesn't understand MIME.
>       What I would like to do is contimue to use my Netcom address, download
>       my mail for local reading, and uplad outgoing mail such that it still
>       show Netcom as the point of origin. 

I am using just such a setup. A few notes:

1) Since netcom doesn't provide slip/ppp to shell account holders, you 
   will have to fake it using slirp (which is what I use), tia, or possibly 
   term. If you haven't already set this up, let me know off the list since 
   this isn't really Debian specific.
2) I use fetchmail to retrieve my messages, It injects them into port 25
   of my linux box for smail to feed to my spool via procmail. Here's my
   .fechmailrc (edited):
   poll protocol POP3 user dthayer password noneofyourbusiness
3) I use smail as my mail handling agent. I answered the questions in 
   smailconf yielding the following /etc/smail/routers file (indented 
   and minus the standard comments)
           driver=smarthost, transport=smtp;
3) I have pine set up to (un)fake my address back to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   rather than [EMAIL PROTECTED] This can also be configured into
   smail somehow if elm doesn't support this, check the archives.
This setup works great, I can read and compose my mail off line, smail 
spools it until next time I log in. The only thing left for me is to 
setup a procmail recipe on my netcom account to reject obvious spam so
that it never gets downloaded

your pal dave

Dave Thayer
Denver, Colorado USA

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