Thanks for all your useful inputs from this mailing list.
My diald is working( I think) now.  What has happened is
that after upgrading from 1.2 to 1.3, diald stop working.
Somebody in the list mensioned to do incremental upgrading.
So I started to upgrade "Req base" section only and hold other
sections(Std, Devel, Xtra ....).  After upgrading "Req base"
section, diald stopped working.  So I thought there was a
file causing diald not working.  I then restored 1.2 from
my backup tape and upgrading file one by one in "Req base"
section.  I have noticed there is a file called "setserial".
The name rings a bell.  Diald needs comm port.  Does this
program execute after boot up my pc?  Any way, I hold this
program for upgrade and upgraded everything else.  Now 
diald works.  Does this mean there is something different
in setserial 2.12-2 from 2.10-8?  Please give me some idea.
Jimmy Lu

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