On Wed, 18 Jun 1997, Iñaki Martínez wrote:

> Kaixo!!!
>  I need to intall Debian 1.3.x on Amiga 1200, so i need info..
>  I have Debian installed on Pentium (i386 platform), but i have no idea about
> amiga.
>  I have an Amiga 1200 with an IDE 240 HD, PCMCIA SCSI, IDE Cd-ROM...
>  Can anybody help me????????
>  Thanks.........

Well, the major problem with Amiga is the lack of an MMU (Memory
Management Unit) in most models and, as far as i know,  Linux needs an MMU
to work. The Motorola 68020, which is the CPU of the basic A1200, does not
contain an MMU making installing Linux impossible. 

     Paolo Nenzi - Roma - Italia
*- GPS = Guesses Position Somehow -*

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