Ciccio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > I recently bought a new VGA card, and switched to 16-bit mode for X11,
> > but I just found out that xfig can't handle colors now.  When I try to
> > select a color, xfig prints the message "Can't allocate necessary
> > colorcells, can't popup color panel".  This is obviously true, since
> > X11 doesn't allocate color cells in 16-bit mode, but it is not
> > necessary.  Is there a workaround to tell xfig to use the existing
> > colors, or can I tell X11 to simulate a writeable colormap?  I didn't
> > see that a bug report has been filed on this yet.
> > 
> I'd don't use xfig, so no specific answer. If you have enough RAM,
> try to get X into DirectColor mode. BTW, there are reasons why one
> would like to use a color map even with 32 bit colors: when we want
> to change colors without repainting all the image. This is used as
> well for animations as for color (gamma, etc) corrections.

I think I have enough RAM (4MB S3-Virge), but the XF86Config manpage
(for XFree86 3.2) states that only 8-bit color will support the
DirectColor type.  TrueColor is the only one supported on 16 or
32-bit.  Just to be sure, I tried out all three statement types and
only the TrueColor is accepted in 16-bit color.  Is there some other
way to set up DirectColor, or is it now allowed under XFree86 3.3?

Thanks for your reply.

Carl Johnson            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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