>   Im new to Linux and i was wondering how to access the floppy drive...   I
> also have windows95 running on another hard drive and i need to know how to
> access files off of that hard drive. Help?
There is a very usefull command "mount" (check out man mount")
To access device (floppy drive, hard drive) you have to mount them
at some point -- empty directory (called mount point). In Debian
the mount point for floppy drive is just /floppy, you can create 
directory like /dos for mounting win95 drive.

After that you just execute as *root* :
mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /floppy

after that you can just cd /floppy and do whatever you want.
Dont forget to unmount it! cd to somwhere out of the /floppy and execute:
umount /floppy
^-- not a misprint!
For hard drive you would have to do something similar:
mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /win
              substitute for the correct device of your drive
Alex Y.

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