On Thu, 19 Jun 1997, Dominic Torruellas wrote:

> OK I've done what all you nice peaple have told me to do, I've turned of
> my cache cand shadow ram stuff and tried to boot off teh rescue disk,
> now it says non-system disk error, anyone know how I can fix this?

This sounds very much like the bios can't find a bootable image on the
disk. Probably the image didn't get written without errors, which seems to
happen a lot.  It is much more likely that the problem is with the quality
of the disks than the quality of your hardware or the settings in your

If you already have a working linux, you can try 'mkdosfs -c' on a
formatted disk. Generally, linux is much pickier about the quality of
disks than dos and 'mkdosfs -c' often spots potentially bad disks. Every
disk that passed this test has always booted without problems here, on any

If you don't have a linux yet and use rawrite2.exe from dos, writing the
resc1440.bin image three times to the disk might work (though more
knowledgable people might classify such an attempt as "voodoo", it once
worked for fine me.)

Some questions to ask yourself before giving up on your hardware:

- How many disks have you tried to write? 

- Did they all fail consistantly in the same manner? 

- Have you tried to use disks of a known-good quality? 

And last but not least:

- Have you tried the disks that fail on your computer on other computers
(just booting from the rescue disk should do no harm to a computer)?

Good luck,


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