George Bonser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> My concern was for someone running Netscape as root.

This should never occur.  People should not run Netscape as root.
(In a nutshell: Java....   The thought of running unknown programs as
root should send a shiver down your spine...)

> And thirdly, since the linux versions that have been "released" are
> unsupported, it is possible that there will not be patched "releases" of
> the earlier versions.  This concenrs me if the exploit is made public
> after the patched release of the supported versions.

There have already been exploits made public on Bugtraq, I believe.

And once Communicator for Linux is officially released, we won't have
to worry about it any more.

John Goerzen          | Running Debian GNU/Linux (
Custom Programming    | 

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