teTeX does seem to install now (and I do not have the TeX environment
variables set...  To me, this is not right.  This means that I cannot
use dselect to remove the teTeX packages and then reinstall them without
executing commands not related to dselect.  Is this a fault with one of
the install scripts?  It has apparently bitten several people other
then myself.

Thanks for such a great distribution,


On 23-Jun-97 Christoph Martin wrote:
>Paul Rightley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>What about TEX specific environment variables as sugested in the
>output? Unset all of them for installation.
>> I was wondering if anyone has run into this lately and if it is something
>> I am doing wrong...
>> I have used the 'new' tetex packages of Debian for some time now.  I was
>> recently 'forced' to remove X and tex from my machine temporarily.  Now I
>> have X back and running, but am having problems getting the tetex packages
>> to install and work.  (I have seen at least one other posting describing
>> one of the symptoms I am having.)
>> I start with a 'tex-clean' system. Then I do a dpkg -i
>> This seems to work fine. Then I do dpkg -i tetex-bin_0.4pl6-8.deb and things
>> start going wrong.  When it tries to configure the package, it produces
>> like:
>> >Please set the environment variable TETEXDIR or TEXMFCNF correctly.
>> >For details see the teTeX and the Kpathsea manual
>> >kpsetool: language.dat not found.
>> >kpsetool: modes.mf not found.
>> >kpsetool: texmf.cnf not found.
>> >/usr/bin/texconfig: cd: /web2c: No such file or directory
>> >Error opening terminal: generic.
>> >/usr/bin/texconfig: /tmp/texconf4119/logfile: No such file or directory
>> >Output of initex is in /tmp/texconfig.out
>> >If you want to change the default settings,
>> >use /usr/bin/texconfig to configure teTeX.
>> Running /usr/bin/texconfig produces similar errors.  Now, when I go to
>> latex something, I get
>> >This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (C version 6.1)
>> >I can't find the default format file!   
>> Which is the symptom reported recently in this mail list.
>> What should I do to get a working latex installation?
>> Paul

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