David Wright wrote:
> Two problem(s) with a book: (a) you're really only buying a few pages of
> Debian-specific stuff which (b) is almost out-of-date before it's
> published. I'd far rather have just a good annotated bibliography of all
> the Debianised documentation. As I think I've said before, one really
> needs to be able to track down and consult documentation in the order
>   Debian-specific
>   Linux-specific
>   Unix-specific

I agree with you entirely on these two points. To people who has
installed and
used Debian before, not having a book is no big deal.

But for others who don't have a clue about Debian/Linux, convincing them
they don't need a book is not a very straight forward matter. In fact,
some of them
get very nervous on the suggestion that they might not be able to buy
any book on that
particular Linux distribution which they are about to get. I think a
book in cases like
these is more of a symbol for the peace of mind than anything else.

My point is, having Debain's book on the shelves of bookshops raises the 
visibility of Debain and may actually encourage people to choose it over
other distributions.


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