On Fri, 27 Jun 1997, David Miles wrote:

> I appreciate your response.
> Another question or so:
> 1) Are shells geared toward specific tasks?... such as program creation, a
> shell built to specifically offer enhanced compiling and program
> generation capabilities?  another perhaps for graphics of some sort?

Think of a shell as a dos prompt.   DOS has a command shell that can be
used to execute commands from the keyboard.  You can put commands into
shell scripts (dos calls them batch or .bat files) and run them be simply
typing their name as an executeable.

The different shells have slightly different syntax for doing the same
thing, different people prefer a different shell, usually the one on the
computer where they learned the shell is the one that they have a fancy

For me, I hate the C shell and like Korn or bash (bash is the second
incarnation of the Bourne shell ... bash stands for Bourne again shell).

You have the c shell (csh) the bourne shell (sh) bourne again shell (bash)
the Korn shell (ksh) the restricted shell (rsh) the Z shell (zsh) and a
lot more. 

George Bonser

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