I am having so much problems....

I just flat have not been able to get past DSELECT.

I have totally re-installed everything.....(about 5 times)

Everytime I bring up dselect and select FTP.  (My Machine is connected
to the net via ethernet).  I get up to the point of installtion... 
Here is my first error.

dpkg (subprocess): faild to exec C compiler 'gcc': no such directory 
or file.
dpkg: subprocess gcc -print-libgcc-file-name returned error exit status
2.  I also get alsorts of can't map gcc errors. 

I have tried to install things manually.  I have ftped files to my hard
drive.  I keep getting all sorts of erros. malloc errors. out of memory
errors. You name I get it....

I am running on a:

386 40 Mhz, 8 Meg Ram, 850 HD

I have read the install intructions and have done everything to the T. 
Everything works right on the install with out as much as a glitch. 
But every time I get to the install process thats when the errors
occur.  I boot with resuce disk and have my drivers disk.  My
base1_4.tgz is on a Dos partition.  It reads that just fine.  When I
reboot and run dselect I never have been able to get past the

Is gcc part of the base installation?  What could I be missing?  Am I
suppose to do something else in addition?   Do I need to get any other

Any help or suggestions greatly appreciated.

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