>>>>> "Peter" == Peter S Galbraith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> rxvt
Peter> rxvt: can't open pseudo-tty rxvt: aborting

This could be a problem of running out of pseudo tty's which is a
limited ressource. However, I do not remember seeing such a thing on
any singleuser computer (ie. in most ordinary conditions; it takes
more than a few users to use up the defaults).

Are you running a server with lot of users or do you create
extraordinary many sessions (xterms/rxvt/login/rsh)? Each session
takes a tty, so most X sessions takes quite a lot, though I personally
never had problems. However, if a rogue script is executing rsh's or
rxvt's in an infinite loop, you will of course run dry at some point.

Peter> I get this error under a non-root account, and then 10 minutes
Peter> later the command works again.

Certainly sounds like `to few ressources with too many consumers'.

Try doing a `who' command. I believe that lists all allocated ttys.

I do not know how to enlarge the number of tty's on a linux box, but
there is undoubtedly a guru on this list that knows.

Peter> xterm: unable to find usable termcap entry.

Somewhat strange. The xterm terminal definition definitely is in the
standard database. 

Perhaps your environment is pointing to something non-standard. Check
for settings of the TERMCAP or TERMINFO environment variables, and
unset them if present.

You can also try to check the directory:


which should contain a file named `xterm'. If that is present, the
database should be ok, I guess. 

On my system, that directory looks like:

x10term       x820          xerox820      xterm-color   xterms-sun
x1700         xenix         xl83          xterm-nic
x1700-lm      xerox         xtalk         xterm-pcolor
x1720         xerox-lm      xterm         xterm-sun
x1750         xerox1720     xterm-bold    xterms

If you get really desparate, it is a rather small thing to install a
new xterm terminfo entry (though you probably want to find out what is
going on). 

You can even have a personal ~/.terminfo directory, complementing the
system entries, which just is yet another thing that shows how
wonderfull a UNIX system linux really is.

Christian Lynbech          | Computer Science Department, University of Aarhus
Office: R0.32              | Ny Munkegade, Building 540, DK-8000 Aarhus C
Phone: +45 8942 3218       | [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- www.daimi.aau.dk/~lynbech
Hit the philistines three times over the head with the Elisp reference manual.
                                        - [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael A. Petonic)

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