When you recompile, make one small change to the Makefile.  Change any
instances of -lcurses to -lncurses.  That should do the trick.  (Note you
will have to have the ncurses-dev package installed.)

You may also be able to link libcurses.so.1 to libncurses.so.3.0 but I
think recompiling may be a better idea.

-- Jaldhar
On Tue, 1 Jul 1997, Randy Edwards wrote:

>    I wanted to play around with DuhDraw, an ANSI editor, and got the
> complaint that it wanted the library libcurses.so.1 which isn't on my
> system.  Looking on sunsite and different places I'm unable to locate that
> library.  Recompiling duhdraw just gives me a segmentation fault and a core
> dump.
>    Does anyone know where I can locate libcurses.so.1 or any way other that I 
> can make duhdraw happy?  Thanks in advance.
>                           | Debian GNU/ __      o
>  Regards,                 |            / /     _  _  _  _  _ __  __
>  .                        |           / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
>  Randy                    |          /____/ /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\
>  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  |      ...because lockups are for convicts...
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