> > To access the documentation you really need to be able to access
> > the documentation. Then you can determine what is (and isn't) a Debian
> > specific issue. Having a system which can hold the newbies' hand till
> > they can walk for themselves has probably never been a design goal for
> > Debian, but I think that the user base is growing at such a rate that
> > it could be time...
>      ^^^^^ Should ... actually if you want to attract msdog ppl, a  "must"!
> > 
> > Perhaps there should be a quick intro to gzip, zless and zcat in the
> > opening scripts (just after the first dselect run?).
> Perhaps just a /usr/doc/intro/* section that may actually contain
> this and other useful newbie tips

This is a great idea.  An index of the documentation is so necessary.  I 
suggest putting 
this index and some very basic help topics in /etc/skel and propogate them to 
all users.
The file doesn't have to be huge, it should just tell the newbie where to go 
for more help
and how to read it.   I spent days looking through my system finding little 
tidbits here and
there.  This is one place X really shines, fire up TkDesk and you can see a 
list of files, 
double click and pop up what you want in the same window or not.  Maybe MC could
be adapted to help also (I know this has been discussed before).  Also, I would 
making this file plain txt, so the user could have easier access.


"Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine."

Rob MacWilliams   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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