
  Speaking of release of 1.3.1,  I've noticed from the mirror
  I did last night that the libc5 in the 1.3 directory was updated.
  Should this updated be in the release of 1.3.1 instead?


Paul Seelig wrote:
:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dale Scheetz) writes:
:> The release of 1.3.1 will be announced soon. Currently the archive is
:> being worked on to get the new files in place. Once that is done and the
:> mirrors have caught up you will see an announcement. Probably before the
:> end of the week.
:Does this mean that there will be updated official Debian CD images as
:well?  LSL announced the availability of the "Official Debian Two CD
:Set" and i was wondering why they didn't wait for 1.3.1 to appear
:                                    Cheers, P. *8^)
         --------------------  Timothy C. Phan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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