Odd, I still can't figure this one out.  After reinstalling Win95 and
triple checking its setup I'm thinking that the problem must be on Linux's
end.  Since it's been a while since I brought this issue up, I'll quote a
lot (my apologies) to refresh your memory.

> >     /etc/init.d/network:
> > #!  /bin/sh
> > # Configure the loopback interface:
> > ifconfig lo
> > route add -net
> > 
> > # Define some of my defaults:
> > 
> > # Set up my ethernet card:
> > ifconfig eth0 ${IPADDR} netmask ${NETMASK} broadcast ${BROADCAST}
> > route add -net ${NETWORK}
> > 
> > route add default gw ${GATEWAY} metric 1
> That looks fine.

   Well, FWIW, I've changed the /etc/init.d/network file to now read:

#!      /bin/sh
# Configure the loopback interface:
ifconfig lo
route add -net

# Define some of my defaults:

# Set up my ethernet card:
ifconfig eth0 ${IPADDR} netmask ${NETMASK} broadcast ${BROADCAST}
route add -net ${NETWORK} netmask ${NETMASK} dev eth0

> >     A report from "ifconfig eth0" after rebooting Linux and doing 2
> >             commands of "ping" from the Win95 machine:
> > eth0      Link encap:10Mbps Ethernet  HWaddr 00:C0:26:80:1F:71
> >           inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
> >           UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
> >           RX packets:60 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
> >           TX packets:80 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
> >           Interrupt:10 Base address:0x6100 
> try 'cat /proc/pci' and make sure that your ethernet card really is on
> IRQ 10 and I/O address 0x6100.

   Yes, the /proc/pci file reads:
  Bus  0, device   9, function  0:
    Ethernet controller: Realtek 8029 (rev 0).
      Medium devsel.  IRQ 10.
      I/O at 0x6100.

   Every time I reboot this comes up the same and lists the same when I
examine the card with the DOS setup program for the card.

> Put the card in Jumperless mode (turn off Plug'N'Pray) and set it to a
> specific IRQ & I/O Address by running the DOS-based config utility which
> came with the card - it'll make life MUCH easier for you if the PNP BIOS
> doesn't randomly change the settings of the card whenever it feels like
> it.

   Yes, that's my usual preference for PnP cards, unfortunately, this one
doesn't have that option.

> can your linux machine ping the win95 machine?

   Nope, when I ping the Win95 box I get a 100% loss.

> what does your routing table look like?  try 'netstat -rn'.

It shows:
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface UH     1500 0          0 sl0   U      1500 0          0 eth0       U      3584 0          0 lo         U      1500 0          0 sl0

> what's in your arp table on the linux machine? try 'arp -an'. You want
> to see arp entries for both machines.

   Ahh, this is something.  After trying a ping from each machine, after
running an arp -an the output is:
Address                 HWtype  HWaddress           Flags Mask Iface             ether   00:C0:26:80:1E:73   C     *    eth0

   If I could ask, what does this mean?  As you can tell my knowledge of
Linux/TCP/IP networking is limited and I haven't gotten up to the chapter on
arp yet reading the NAG. :-)

> try running tcpdump on the linux machine - according to the RX & TX
> lines above, it looks like there is definitely some activity. You can
> monitor the network with tcpdump.

   Okay, here's what tcpdump puts out when I ping the Linux box from the
Win95 box:
tcpdump: listening on eth0
10:03:55.265899 arp who-has spartacus.golgotha.net tell horeb
10:03:55.265899 arp reply spartacus.golgotha.net is-at 0:c0:26:80:1f:71
10:03:55.265899 horeb > spartacus.golgotha.net: icmp: echo request
10:03:55.265899 spartacus.golgotha.net > horeb: icmp: echo reply
10:03:56.705899 horeb > spartacus.golgotha.net: icmp: echo request
10:03:56.705899 spartacus.golgotha.net > horeb: icmp: echo reply
10:03:58.185899 horeb > spartacus.golgotha.net: icmp: echo request
10:03:58.185899 spartacus.golgotha.net > horeb: icmp: echo reply
10:03:59.225899 horeb > spartacus.golgotha.net: icmp: echo request
10:03:59.225899 spartacus.golgotha.net > horeb: icmp: echo reply 

> Do you have any firewalling or masquerading rules yet?

   Nope, I definitely go one step at a time.  First I wanted to get a ping
across then I figured I'd play with masquerading and then firewalls. 
Trouble is that first step is a doosie! :-)

   Now, looking at the above, I see a difference in the tcpdump response and
the hardware address response of arp -an: 1E:73 and 1F:71.  Now, that
doesn't seem quite right but I'm unsure of how to interpret that -- any
ideas?  If so, I'd greatly apprecite 'em.

                          | Debian GNU/ __      o
 Regards,                 |            / /     _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 .                        |           / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 Randy                    |          /____/ /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  |      ...because lockups are for convicts...

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