Hello!  :)

On Wed, 2 Jul 1997, Britton wrote:
> On Wed, 2 Jul 1997, Franck LE GALL - STAGIAIRE A FT.BD/CNET/DTD/PIH wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I m a new user of linux and I have a question
> > I bought an Epson Stylus 600 and I have now idea how to print with it
> > I would like to print both ascii and postscript files.

[snip] ^_^

> their old versions to the public.  I have heard that this version has some
> trouble supporting the new breed of Epson printers, which is too bad.  I
> don't know off hand who is working on our version of gs.  This might be a
> case where going with the commercial version would be worthwhile.  It is
> presumably more compatible with modern printers.

I have the EPSON Stylus COLOR 500 here, and after spending some time
experimenting and tweaking (Hey, I was a newbie a few months ago too!  :),
my printer is working great under Linux.  :)  It prints all files (LaTeX,
*.ps, Netscape print, xv (*.gif,*.jpg) etc.) with virtually no problems.

As Britton mentioned, there might be some problems that GNU Ghostscript
3.53 might not support the new printer well.  (I don't know.  :)  I
haven't tried the old version.  So, make sure you install the following
with dselect:

Name            Version        Description
gs-aladdin      4.03-7         Postscript interpreter with X11 and svgalib
gsfonts         4.01-5         Fonts for the ghostscript interpreter
lprng           3.2.6-1        lpr/lpd printer spooling system
magicfilter     1.2-11         automatic printer filter.
enscript        1.5.0-1        Converting ASCII texts to Postscript
gv              3.4.3-1        A PostScript and PDF viewer for X...

You'll need to spend some time to configure for various software to work
with your printer.  For starters, read /usr/doc/gs/devices.txt.gz
(compressed) using the command:

        most /usr/doc/gs/devices.txt.gz

which describes the EPSON Stylus COLOR printers support in Ghostscript
4.03.  The Stylus COLOR printer driver was written for older models, but
they work with newer models including COLOR 500, 600 and 800, up to
720x720 dpi.  (No, not 1440x720dpi with gs 4.03.)  Also, the colour setup
was probably optimized for older models, so they might not look good (too
dark or too bright?) on your COLOR 600.  (At least it is so on my 500)

But worry not.  Ghostscript 5.01 comes with uniprint, as well as settings
for the newer printer drivers, so when the Debian package for gs 5.x comes
out, colour printing under Debian will be a lot better.  Also, the new
uniprint supports 1440x720dpi.  :)

Anyway, after installing the packages, you'll need to configure
/etc/printcap, magicfilter filter file, etc.  If you use LaTeX, it is also
recommended that you configure it to generate 180dpi, 360dpi and 720dpi
fonts for printing.  I think teTeX generates 300dpi fonts by default.


Anthony Fok Tung-Ling            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Civil Engineering                http://www.ualberta.ca/~foka/
University of Alberta, Canada    Keep smiling!  *^_^*

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