PA>I will be sending the 1.3.1 CD Monday. One of my machines is a 386DX40
PA>with 8 mb and a soundblaster 2x cd drive that is flaky under windows. I
PA>have a 540 mb IDE drive in it that I use just for testing and I have good
PA>results with it installing from my CD or from my network.

PA>What date were the floppy image files that you used? I can't see that this
PA>would be a hardware problem if dpkg -i works. Do you have an active swap
PA>partition? The free command will tell you. The df command will tell you
PA>about filesystem space.

Ok Paul,

Yes I do have an active swap, its 2 meg.

The date on the floppy is 5-28-97 (looking at the rescue disk using

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