On Sat, 5 Jul 97 21:28 PDT, Bruce Perens wrote:

>From: Lalo Martins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> one could argue the GPL is not free as it doesn't allow me to create a
>> derivative work with a different copyright, if we want to go to terms.
>Are you being facetious? There's not much point in writing a license at
>all if everyone is free to change the terms of the license. That's what
>"public domain" is for.
>> I personally like E's license and don't see a good chance of a Windoze
>> port anyway... have anyone run X there? How do window managers work in
>> such a hybrid environment?]
>X servers run just fine on Microsoft operating systems.

XFree86 3.3 also runs great on OS/2  : >

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