Sounds a lot like dhcp, try using the dhcpcd (client daemon) package.  The
only other thing I think you need is the DNS server's ip address to add to
/etc/resolv.conf.  I use it at school, never had a problem.  You may want
to ask about the vulnerability of their network to packet sniffing.  If
they use 10 base T wire (big phone line vs. the coax cable) and a switched
ethernet hub, you should be good.


P.S. Never had a problem loosing the connection (even after a ping
attack).  I haven't the slightest idea how diald would work with dhcpcd, I
just left mine connected all day.

Brandon Mitchell                         E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"We all know Linux is does infinite loops in 5 seconds."
        --Linus Torvalds

On Sun, 6 Jul 1997, Bob Billson wrote:

> Since I'll be installing 1.3 on my brother's machine this Tuesday, I have
> a question about cable modems.  Though not strictly limited to Debian, I
> thought some folks here might have already gone down this road. 
> My brother got a net connection from our local cable company.  The tech
> who came to install the software (Win95) even knew about Linux and how to
> pronounce it correctly (wow!)  He said they did have some problems with
> get Linux to work.  The connections would just die random.  Since he
> wasn't really well versed in Linux he didn't mention the important details
> like which distribution or even kernel version.
> What I need to know for Tuesday is how to get Debian to work with the
> cable modem.
> The modem is connected to the cable company all the time.  The IP address
> is dynamically assigned.  Even if the connection goes down for a short
> while, the same IP address is used when the connection comes back up.  The
> output of the modem goes to an Ethernet card in the machine. 
> I'll be using diald, unless there is a good reason not to.  Beyond this
> I'm not sure how to go.  I saw a DHCPD (or was it DHCPCD?) client as one
> of the .deb packages.  My brother said this sounded like what the cable
> modem uses now talking to Win95.  Should we install this for Debian?  If
> so, how to get it going? 
> Any help will be most welcome.  Thanks!
>       Bob
> -- 
> Bob Billson, KC2WZ                              email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   (\       MS-DOS, you can't live with it.  You can live without it.    /)
>  {|||8-                 Linux:  World domination.  Fast.             -8|||}
>   (/                                                                    \}

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