I've been using Netscape as my mail user agent at home (on my Debian 1.3 box), 
would like to using mh-e, as that is what I use at work, love emacs, etc, etc.
Before trying mh-e, I just tried to run mh in "raw" mode, so to speak, by doing
"inc".  This gives me a segmentation fault.  I'm using the mh Debian package, as
opposed to downloading/building mh myself.  I purged mh once and downloaded it 
just to ensure that it was successfully loaded.  Same result.  I looked at the 
mtstailor file and the MH Admin manual but didn't see anything that I should 
(mtstailor is the same as from the distribution).  I'm intending to use mh with
fetchmail, although I don't have that working yet, in this mode mh is just 
mail in from /var/spool/mail I think, so while I won't get any mail, it 
crash on me.

Does anyone have any ideas??


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