On Mon, 7 Jul 1997, Nicolás Lichtmaier wrote:

> On Mon, 7 Jul 1997, Paul Wade wrote:
> > >  8 Mb should be enough too.
> > I don't know about that. Like I said before apache runs ok on the 8mb
> > machine until I run some cgi/perl script. It was even worse when I had

>  Well... Maybe it's that I don't use perl.. =) I've always used compiled c
> programs...

You can write some very tiny perl programs, but it takes some time and
memory to load and initialize perl. The idea is to quickly get some code
that works and then optimize.

Well... Maybe I don't use c.. =) I've always used the Intel x86 books and
coded directly in binary (hexadecimal is for weak minds). I prefer the
simplicity of ones and zeroes. 

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